Valentine Meadow

Valentine meadow

 Valentine Meadow

Valentine Meadow is a 27-acre area that was once used for growing vegetables. It is now used for grazing horses. Five small streams flow through it into the Fenton River, and the meadow plays an important role in flood control for the surrounding area. It is thought that at one time Valentine Meadow was a lake for much of the year, and people dug drains and channels here for hundreds of years. Studies in the 1970s revealed at least 18 feet of peat. A great variety of birds is seen in the area, including great crested flycatchers, herons, chickadees, red-bellied woodpeckers, northern orioles, owls, kestrels and hawks. Other species of wildlife seen here include garter snakes, raccoons, opossums, skunks, red fox, woodchucks, deer, weasels, rabbits, bobcats and fishers.