Welcome to the Horsebarn Hill!
We hope you enjoy your time here. We'd like to remind you that Horsebarn Hill is part of an active farm. Farm animals graze in the enclosed pastures, and crops grown in the open fields are an important part of the horses' and cattle's staple diets throughout the year. This area is also home to a wide variety of wildlife species. As stewards of this land, we work hard to manage it in an environmentally and financially sustainable manner. You can help us achieve our management goals by taking your trash with you when you leave and by parking only in established parking areas. Dog must be on leash at all times. With the exception of farm equipment used to prepare the fields and plant and harvest the crops, driving in the fields is prohibited.
Enjoy UConn's other trails!
UConn Forest
After you've explored Horsebarn Hill, we invite you to enjoy a hike in the UConn Forest.
Here's a Map!
Hillside Environmental Education Park
HEEP is a 165-acre preservation area located on UConn’s North Campus. It is situated alongside Discovery Drive, which opened in 2016 and is the northern-most gateway entrance to the main campus.
Learn More!